Reviews Policy - Wedding Rule | Wedding Rule
Can the review be disputed by the vendor?

Yes. The vendor can submit a review dispute via the “Reviews” section of the Vendor Dashboard account.

What happens to the review during the investigation process?

The review will temporarily be hidden from the profile until the end of the investigation. It will appear live on the vendor’s profile again if the reviewer is able to provide satisfactory proof to the reviews investigation team or will be permanently removed if the reviews investigation team is not satisfied with the proof provided by the reviewer.

What proof does WeddingRule ask from the reviewer?

The only acceptable documents acceptable as proof are
1) Proof of Payment
2) Binding Contract between the reviewer and the vendor

What if the vendor believes that the facts written in the review are not truthful?

WeddingRule does not make any judgements on the accuracy/conformity to facts of the reviews submitted on a vendor’s profile page. We will not remove a review from a vendor’s profile if the vendor and the client disagree on the course of events that took place. The only thing that WeddingRule confirms is that the reviewer conducted business with the vendor.

Who can submit a review on a vendor’s profile listing?

Only individuals who were legitimate clients of the vendor, their feedback is permitted, whether it is positive, negative or neutral. Employees of the vendor, guests at the wedding or any other vendors present at the wedding are not allowed to submit a review.

Can WeddingRule provide the vendor with the documents submitted as ‘proof’ by the reviewer?

Our policies do not allow that unfortunately and due to privacy reasons, any evidence shared by the reviewer will not be shared with the vendor.

What if a vendor requests for the removal of vendor listing?

A vendor can submit their request for removal of their listing from our website by sending an email to [email protected] and their request will be actioned by our team within 5 business days of the removal request. Please note that removal of the vendor listing will automatically remove the vendor’s features from all different sections of our website such as Vendor Interviews, Articles etc.

What can I do if a review is reinstated?

We know getting a negative review is never fun, which is why we recommend that you reach out to the customer directly. This will allow you to discuss any unmet expectations and decide how you can best help resolve any outstanding issues that may exist. Remember, reviewers, can update or edit their reviews at any time, and addressing a customer’s concerns can help motivate them to do so.
Alternatively, if the customer isn’t looking for further help, we suggest posting a response to the review instead. Make sure your answer is empathetic and professional and one that directly addresses the customer’s concerns. Keep in mind that responses will not only be seen by the customer in question but may also be read by future clients, so make sure you are professional and polite and have your best foot forward.

*Note: Our couple reviews rules are updated regularly.

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